

  • Create your site favicon with this free Favicon Generator. Download the zip file and extract it in the /public folder. The _document.js file will automatically add the favicon (and other icons) to your site.
  • Create a rectangle logo with your name like the one below. Name it logoAndName.png and add it to the /public folder. Next-Auth will automatically add it to your login pages (see [...nextauth].js file).logo
  • Create a 1200x660px image for social media sharing. Name it shareMain.png and add it to the /public folder. You can change the file name/extension in the <TagSEO /> component.

Useful ressources

  • If you need SVG illustrations, you can use Undraw
  • If you need icons, you can use Heroicons & Lucide
  • If you need SVG blobs, you can use Haikei
  • If you need Tailwind Snippets , you can use Snippets
  • If you need Notion-like icons, you can use Overflow
  • If you need cute SVG doodles, you can use Figma Doodles